Photography and Videography Policy

Photography Policy
Effective August 1, 2022
Springs Golf is comprised of four, semi-private golf courses (Chester, Fort Mill, Lancaster and Springfield) owned and operated by Leroy Springs & Co., Inc (LSC). The need to protect the courses and maintain a standard of play for our members and guests requires us to manage the process and to institute this Policy. Any photography or videography at any LSC property must comply with the details herein.
Professional photographers/videographers are defined as persons being compensated (including barter) for individual or family photography services. Professional photographers are not defined by primary sources of income.
Commercial photographers/videographers are those who are engaged in the sale or distribution of photography or engaged by a commercial entity for the purposes of photography services. Such services that result in the sale of photographs, product advertisements, marketing collateral or some other form of public promotional campaign must be contracted separately. Rates reflected herein are not applicable to commercial photography and videography.
Amateur photographers/videographers are those who do not exchange money, compensation or barter for photography services and who do not use props such as furniture and professional equipment such as special flash, lighting or reflective disks. Amateur photographers do not sell, exchange or transfer photographs for any compensation. Amateur photographers may take photos in areas that are open to the public but shall not infringe upon private events or areas being used by professional photographers.
1. Each photography session must be reserved in advance through Leroy Springs & Co., Inc. at 803.547.1000.
2. Professional photographers/videographers have priority use of specifically reserved areas. Photographers may take photos only in approved areas. No photographers, assistants or subjects may step in any landscaped areas, pastures or other fenced areas deemed off-limits to the public.
3. Use of the golf course, practice areas, and/or indoor facilities is subject to availability and facility rental fees.
4. Photographers/videographers, equipment and props shall not block, inhibit or detour vehicular or pedestrian traffic or impede flow of play. Climbing or mounting equipment in trees, buildings, golf carts or other improvements is not permitted.